Do not worry?

English AM
Guest Speaker
Nathanel Lo
Matthew 6:25-34 (NIV) Read...
  • Introduction
  • The Prevalence of Worry
  • Understanding Jesus' Message: Jesus isn't dismissing human worries but encouraging believers not to let worry dictate their lives
  • Seeking Spiritual Necessities: It is importance not to let worry consume one's focus on physical necessities like food, drink, or clothing. Instead, the we need to turn to God for more fulfilling spiritual necessities
  • Trusting in God's Providence
  • Facing Challenges with Faith
  • Seeking God's Kingdom and Righteousness: Jesus is calling us to prioritize seeking God's kingdom and righteousness. This involves evangelizing, living a life reflective of God's principles, and avoiding the pitfalls of material idols that lead to worry
  • Practical Steps to Overcome Worry
  • Conclusion and Personal Reflections