
Title Date Congregation Speakersort descending Passage Video Download
天國社群的禮讚 30/06/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 梁明生牧師 Mark 3:13-19 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 天國社群的禮讚 Audio icon MAN-2024-06-30.m4a
從參孫的出生看上主的選召 13/08/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 李君皙牧師 Judges 13:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 從參孫的出生看上主的選召 Audio icon MAN-2023-08-13.m4a
以國權榮 11/08/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 羅德麟牧師 1 Chronicles 29:10-13 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 以國權榮 Audio icon MAN-2024-08-11.m4a
詩歌敬拜的更新 17/09/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 李君皙牧師 1 Chronicles 16:4-13 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 詩歌敬拜的更新 Audio icon CAM-2023-09-17.m4a
The elusive smoke of enjoyment under the Sun / Pleasure 18/07/2021 English Guest Speaker Johan Linder Ecclesiastes 2:1 - 3:8 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The elusive smoke of enjoyment under the Sun / Pleasure  Audio icon EAM-2021-07-18.m4a
Suffering, Dicipleship, Mission 01/05/2022 English Guest Speaker Sarah Paterson Philippians 2:1-11 (NIV) Read..., Luke 24:28-35 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Suffering, Dicipleship, Mission Audio icon EAM-2022-05-01.m4a
背負 28/05/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Acts 1:1-12 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 背負 Audio icon CAM-2023-05-28.m4a
嬰孩的能力 18/12/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 徐星宇牧師 Psalms 8:1-2 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 21:14-16 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 嬰孩的能力 Audio icon MAN-2022-12-25.m4a
Visible 14/01/2024 English Guest Speaker Elon Chiu Colossians 1:15-23 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Visible Audio icon EAM-2024-01-14.m4a
What is God’s Mission? 02/05/2021 English Guest Speaker Tony Jones Genesis 12:1-9 (NIV) Read..., Luke 4:14-30 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for What is God’s Mission? Audio icon EAM-2021-05-02.m4a
Hopeful waiting 19/12/2021 English Guest Speaker Shirley Moormann Luke 2:22-38 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Hopeful waiting Audio icon EAM-2021-12-19.m4a
權能與愛的原起 13/06/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Genesis 2:4-10 (NIV) Read..., Genesis 2:15-24 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 權能與愛的原起 Audio icon MAN-2021-06-13.m4a
主角與配角 28/08/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 李君晳牧師 Judges 4:4-10 (NIV) Read..., Judges 4:17-24 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 主角與配角 Audio icon MAN-2022-08-28.m4a
愛慕聖言 22/09/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 李君晳牧師 Nehemiah 8:1-12 (NIV) Read...
Self Care 24/01/2021 English Guest Speaker elon chiu James 4:1-9 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Self Care Audio icon EAM-2021-01-24.m4a
Jesus, the Teacher 17/03/2024 English Guest Speaker Janice Tam Luke 12:13-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Jesus, the Teacher Audio icon EAM-2024-03-17.m4a
神能修復一切 29/08/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 徐星宇牧師 Ruth 1:1-7 (NIV) Read..., Ruth 4:13-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 神能修復一切 Audio icon MAN-2021-08-29.m4a
永恆委身的愛 08/05/2022 廣東話 Guest Speaker Shirley Moormann Isaiah 49:14-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 永恆委身的愛 Audio icon CAM-2022-05-08.m4a
背負 28/05/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Acts 1:1-12 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 背負 Audio icon MAN-2023-05-28.m4a
你是神的好管家嗎? 14/11/2021 廣東話 Guest Speaker 梁偉剛傳道 Matthew 25:14-30 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 你是神的好管家嗎? Audio icon CAM-2021-11-14.m4a
農曆新年更新 11/02/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 羅德麟牧師 Joshua 5:1-3 (NIV) Read..., Joshua 5:10-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 農曆新年更新 Audio icon MAN-2024-02-11.m4a
Jesus Club 24/09/2023 English Guest Speaker Janice Tam Embedded thumbnail for Jesus Club Audio icon EAM-2023-09-24.m4a
再思試探 23/04/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 姚紀星牧師 Luke 4:1-13 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 再思試探 Audio icon CAM-2023-04-23.m4a
神我兩不相忘 13/11/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Daniel 1:1-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 神我兩不相忘 Audio icon MAN-2022-11-13.m4a
Caring for the Outsider 10/10/2021 English Guest Speaker Angeline Porter Luke 10:25-37 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Caring for the Outsider Audio icon EAM-2021-10-10.m4a
四小物大曉悟 12/06/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 邱國煌牧師 Proverbs 30:24-28 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 四小物大曉悟 Audio icon MAN-2022-06-12.m4a
Hope Street 02/06/2024 English Guest Speaker Sam Stamos Matthew 4:18-22 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Hope Street Audio icon EAM-2024-06-02.m4a
The Passover 16/07/2023 English Guest Speaker Janice Tam Exodus 12:1-51 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Passover Audio icon EAM-2023-07-16.m4a
過與蒙召相稱的生活 14/11/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 馮陳念恩師母 Ephesians 4:1-7 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 過與蒙召相稱的生活 Audio icon MAN-2021-11-14.m4a
神「永遠」的應許; 有祝福,也有警戒 07/07/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 1 Kingss 9:1-7 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 神「永遠」的應許; 有祝福,也有警戒 Audio icon MAN-2024-07-07.m4a
平凡人的不平凡信仰 23/01/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Genesis 25:19-28 (NIV) Read..., Genesis 26:1-6 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 平凡人的不平凡信仰 Audio icon MAN-2022-01-23.m4a
On Justification 27/02/2022 English Guest Speaker Johan Linder Galatians 2:15 - 3:5 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for On Justification Audio icon EAM-2022-02-27.m4a
誰是耶穌的門徒 26/03/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Mark 8:27-38 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 誰是耶穌的門徒 Audio icon CAM-2023-03-26.m4a
耶穌, 這到底是誰? 09/10/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 John 1:1-18 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 耶穌, 這到底是誰? Audio icon MAN-2022-10-09.m4a
耶和華是我的牧者 24/01/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 張灝牧師 Psalms 23:1-6 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 耶和華是我的牧者 Audio icon MAN-2021-01-24.m4a
堅持永恆盼望 05/11/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 梁明生牧師 Hebrews 10:23 (NIV) Read..., Hebrews 10:32-39 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 堅持永恆盼望 Audio icon MAN-2023-11-05.m4a
神我兩不相忘 13/11/2022 廣東話 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Daniel 1:1-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 神我兩不相忘 Audio icon CAM-2022-11-13.m4a
Forget-me-not: the everlasting, committed love of God 08/05/2022 English Guest Speaker shirley moormann Luke 49:14-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Forget-me-not:  the everlasting, committed love of God Audio icon EAM-2022-05-08.m4a
應當回想起初的愛心 09/05/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 馮陳念恩師母 Psalms 71:17-18 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 應當回想起初的愛心 Audio icon MAN-2021-05-09.m4a
基督徒相處的功課 一. 目標 12/02/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Philippians 1:1-6 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:9-11 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:15-18 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:27 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 基督徒相處的功課  一. 目標 Audio icon MAN-2023-02-12.m4a
晚禱 – 信徒的安眠藥 04/09/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 徐星宇牧師 Psalms 4:1-8 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 晚禱 – 信徒的安眠藥 Audio icon MAN-2022-09-04.m4a
What is your life? 11/02/2024 English Guest Speaker Mandy Chiu James 4:13-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for What is your life? Audio icon EAM-2024-02-11.m4a
誰是耶穌的門徒 26/03/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Mark 8:27-38 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 誰是耶穌的門徒 Audio icon MAN-2023-03-26.m4a
You’re Invited 您被邀請 20/11/2022 Special Service Children's Sunday School Anniversary Service Guest Speaker Janice Tam 譚加恩姊妹 Mark 10:13-16 (NIV) Read..., Luke 14:15-24 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for You’re Invited 您被邀請 Audio icon ChildAnniversary-2022-11-20.m4a
在動盪混亂中, 重新明白福音 15/05/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 譚健生牧師 Psalms 29:1-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 在動盪混亂中, 重新明白福音 Audio icon MAN-2022-05-15.m4a
The Rightful King 實至名歸的君王 21/11/2021 Special Service Children Sunday School Anniversary Combined Service Guest Speaker Shirley Moormann John 18:33-37 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Rightful King 實至名歸的君王 Audio icon ChildrenAnniversary-2021-11-21.m4a
A Death Unto Our Mission? 16/05/2021 English Guest Speaker Sarah Paterson Jonah 2:0 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 16:24-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for A Death Unto Our Mission? Audio icon EAM-2021-05-16.m4a
聖徒相通 30/01/2022 廣東話 Guest Speaker 梁明生牧師 Philippians 1:3-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 聖徒相通 Audio icon CAM-2022-01-30.m4a
A never-changing God in an ever-changing world 19/02/2023 English Guest Speaker Pastor Bright Embedded thumbnail for A never-changing God in an ever-changing world Audio icon EAM-2023-02-19.m4a
財富的入門密碼 18/02/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 邱國煌牧師 Leviticus 27:30 (NIV) Read..., Luke 16:10-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 財富的入門密碼 Audio icon MAN-2024-02-18.m4a
