
Title Date Congregation Speaker Passage Video Download
慷慨奉獻的愛 28/07/2024 廣東話 Felix Siu 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (NIV) Read...
To be Sowers 28/07/2024 English Nathan Kwok John 20:19-22 (NIV) Read...
讓愛走動 28/07/2024 國語 Raymond Kao Luke 10:25-37 (NIV) Read...
聽道的四顆心: 虛心、耐心、專心、扎心 21/07/2024 廣東話 Guest Speaker 吳嘉倩 Mark 4:1-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 聽道的四顆心: 虛心、耐心、專心、扎心 Audio icon CAN-2024-07-21.m4a
Word- Scripture 21/07/2024 English Ian Clarke 2 Timothy 3:12 - 4:4 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Word- Scripture Audio icon ENG-2024-07-21.m4a
撒種的比喻-聽道者的責任 21/07/2024 國語 Christy Tsai Matthew 13:1-9 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 13:18-23 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 撒種的比喻-聽道者的責任 Audio icon MAN-2024-07-21.m4a
屬靈眼睛得看見 14/07/2024 廣東話 Guest Speaker 蔡蔭強牧師 Mark 8:22-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 屬靈眼睛得看見 Audio icon CAN-2024-07-14.m4a
Charity in Love 14/07/2024 English Joe Moormann Luke 6:27-36 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Charity in Love Audio icon ENG-2024-07-14.m4a
太初有道 14/07/2024 國語 Trent Tsai John 1:1-13 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 太初有道 Audio icon MAN-2024-07-14.m4a
真道、真理、真門徒 07/07/2024 廣東話 Pak San Tam John 1:14-18 (NIV) Read..., John 8:31-32 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 真道、真理、真門徒 Audio icon CAN-2024-07-07.m4a
Jesus the Word of God 07/07/2024 English Nathan Kwok John 1:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Jesus the Word of God Audio icon ENG-2024-07-07.m4a
神「永遠」的應許; 有祝福,也有警戒 07/07/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 1 Kingss 9:1-7 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 神「永遠」的應許; 有祝福,也有警戒 Audio icon MAN-2024-07-07.m4a
放下身段 學主謙卑 30/06/2024 廣東話 Herbert Chan Luke 14:25-35 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 放下身段 學主謙卑 Audio icon CAM-2024-06-30.m4a
Nurturing Disciples 30/06/2024 English Nathan Kwok 1 Peter 4:7-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Nurturing Disciples Audio icon EAM-2024-06-30.m4a
天國社群的禮讚 30/06/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 梁明生牧師 Mark 3:13-19 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 天國社群的禮讚 Audio icon MAN-2024-06-30.m4a
門徒在「來」與「去」之間徘徊 23/06/2024 廣東話 Felix Siu Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 4:19 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 門徒在「來」與「去」之間徘徊 Audio icon CAM-2024-06-23.m4a
The Cost of Discipleship 23/06/2024 English Joe Moormann Matthew 10:22 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 10:24-25 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 10:37-39 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Cost of Discipleship Audio icon EAM-2024-06-23.m4a
聖潔生活 23/06/2024 國語 Guest Speaker Grace Tsoi Leviticus 20:22-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 聖潔生活 Audio icon MAN-2024-06-23.m4a
栽培 16/06/2024 廣東話 Ken Trinh Matthew 16:13-16 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:9-10 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 栽培 Audio icon CAM-2024-06-16.m4a
Becoming Disciples 16/06/2024 English Nathan Kwok Luke 5:27-32 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Becoming Disciples Audio icon EAM-2024-06-16.m4a
我是個播揚主愛的門徒嗎? 16/06/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 陳供生弟兄 Revelation 2:1-7 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 我是個播揚主愛的門徒嗎? Audio icon MAN-2024-06-16.m4a
真.敬拜 09/06/2024 廣東話 Felix Siu Matthew 6:1-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 真.敬拜 Audio icon CAM-2024-06-09.m4a
Youth Service 09/06/2024 English Guest Speaker Phoebe Cheung & Rhys Lau John 4:0 (NIV) Read..., Daniel 3:0 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Youth Service Audio icon EAM-2024-06-09.m4a
蒙召出去 09/06/2024 國語 Guest Speaker James Choy Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 蒙召出去 Audio icon MAN-2024-06-09.m4a
他不只是個孩子 02/06/2024 廣東話 Felix Siu Matthew 5:33-48 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 他不只是個孩子 Audio icon CAM-2024-06-02.m4a
Hope Street 02/06/2024 English Guest Speaker Sam Stamos Matthew 4:18-22 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Hope Street Audio icon EAM-2024-06-02.m4a
Forgiveness in God's Family 神家裏的饒恕 02/06/2024 國語 Simon Porter Ephesians 4:17 - 5:2 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Forgiveness in God's Family 神家裏的饒恕 Audio icon MAN-2024-06-02.m4a
Keep your eyes open 26/05/2024 廣東話 Christine Dillon Luke 19:1-10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Keep your eyes open Audio icon CAM-2024-05-26.m4a
The Great Omission 26/05/2024 English Simon Porter Matthew 9:35-38 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Great Omission Audio icon EAM-2024-05-26.m4a
Keep your eyes open 26/05/2024 國語 Christine Dillon Luke 19:1-10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Keep your eyes open Audio icon MAN-2024-05-26.m4a
主的命令 19/05/2024 廣東話 Guest Speaker 胡東羽傳道 Matthew 14:14-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 主的命令 Audio icon CAM-2024-05-19.m4a
God’s heart for the poor 19/05/2024 English Michael Leader Isaiah 61:1-3 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for God’s heart for the poor Audio icon EAM-2024-05-19.m4a
主的命令 19/05/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 胡東羽傳道 Matthew 14:14-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 主的命令 Audio icon MAN-2024-05-19.m4a
走出哈蘭 12/05/2024 廣東話 Guest Speaker 鄭鷗 Genesis 11:31 - 12:4 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 走出哈蘭 Audio icon CAM-2024-05-12.m4a
A Light for Japan 12/05/2024 English Joe Moormann 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for A Light for Japan Audio icon EAM-2024-05-12.m4a
走出哈蘭 12/05/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 鄭鷗 Genesis 11:31 - 12:4 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 走出哈蘭 Audio icon MAN-2024-05-12.m4a
無憾此生 05/05/2024 廣東話 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Mark 16:12-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 無憾此生 Audio icon CAM-2024-05-06.m4a
Worship & Mission 05/05/2024 English Guest Speaker Daniel Sze Psalms 8:0 (NIV) Read..., Acts 1:8 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Worship & Mission Audio icon EAM-2024-05-05.m4a
無憾此生 05/05/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Mark 16:12-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 無憾此生 Audio icon MAN-2024-05-05.m4a
在亂流下行義 28/04/2024 廣東話 Felix Siu Matthew 5:17-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 在亂流下行義 Audio icon CAM-2024-04-29.m4a
Jesus, the tree of Life 28/04/2024 English Nathan Kwok Revelation 21:1-8 (NIV) Read..., Revelation 22:1-5 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Jesus, the tree of Life Audio icon EAM-2024-04-28.m4a
我們如何看待死亡 28/04/2024 國語 Christy Tsai 1 Corinthians 15:53-57 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 我們如何看待死亡 Audio icon MAN-2024-04-28.m4a
試探試甚麼 21/04/2024 廣東話 Felix Siu Matthew 4:1-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 試探試甚麼 Audio icon CAM-2024-04-21.m4a
Jesus, the Lion 21/04/2024 English Nathan Kwok Revelation 5:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Jesus, the Lion Audio icon EAM-2024-04-21.m4a
因真理得自由 21/04/2024 國語 Pak San Tam John 8:31-32 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 因真理得自由 Audio icon MAN-2024-04-21.m4a
遵命行 14/04/2024 廣東話 Vincent Cheung John 20:19-23 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 遵命行 Audio icon CAM-2024-04-14.m4a
Called to Go... But Not Alone! 14/04/2024 English Simon Porter Acts 8:26-40 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Called to Go... But Not Alone! Audio icon EAM-2024-04-14.m4a
福音勇士的秘訣(二) 14/04/2024 Special Service Church Camp Combined Service Guest Speaker Grace Tsoi 1 Corinthians 9:15-23 (NIV) Read..., Acts 17:16-34 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 福音勇士的秘訣(二) Audio icon MAN-2024-04-14.m4a
洗禮 07/04/2024 廣東話 Vincent Cheung Matthew 3:13-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 洗禮 Audio icon CAM-2024-04-07.m4a
Selah Sunday 07/04/2024 English Nathan Kwok Embedded thumbnail for Selah Sunday
