
Title Date Congregationsort ascending Speaker Passage Video Download
Christmas Day service 25/02/2024 Special Service Christmas Day Joe Moormann Luke 1:1 - 2:1 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Christmas Day service Audio icon EAM-2023-12-25.m4a
共融 - 不可能的夢想還是可能的實現? 03/07/2022 Special Service 三十三週年堂慶聯合崇拜(國粵語) Guest Speaker 盧慈莉宣教士 1 Samuel 17:3-40 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 共融 - 不可能的夢想還是可能的實現? Audio icon Anniversary2022CM-2022-07-03.m4a
Harmony – Impossible dream or realistic possibility 03/07/2022 Special Service Combined service 9:30am - English and Cantonese Christine Dillon 1 Samuel 17:3-40 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Harmony – Impossible dream or realistic possibility Audio icon Anniversary2022EC-2022-07-03.m4a
彼此相愛 04/07/2021 Special Service 堂慶聯合崇拜(國,粵語) Herbert Chan John 15:1-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 彼此相愛 Audio icon MANCAN-2021-07-04.m4a
Love one another 04/07/2021 Special Service 32nd Anniversary Service (English and Cantonese) Herbert Chan John 15:1-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Love one another Audio icon ENGCAN-2021-07-04.m4a
那光來到世界 25/12/2023 Special Service 聖誕聯合崇拜(國粵語) Vincent Cheung John 1:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 那光來到世界 Audio icon MAN-2023-12-25.m4a
Being a Broadcaster: Sowing God's Love through Evangelism. 04/08/2024 Special Service 35th Church Anniversary combined Service Joe Moormann Matthew 5:11-16 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Being a Broadcaster: Sowing God's Love through Evangelism. Audio icon Anniversary-2024-08-04.m4a
福音勇士的秘訣(二) 14/04/2024 Special Service Church Camp Combined Service Guest Speaker Grace Tsoi 1 Corinthians 9:15-23 (NIV) Read..., Acts 17:16-34 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 福音勇士的秘訣(二) Audio icon MAN-2024-04-14.m4a
Adopted as God's Children 19/11/2023 Special Service Children Sunday School Anniversary Combined Service Joe Moormann Ephesians 1:3-12 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Adopted as God's Children Audio icon SSA-2023-11-19.m4a
轉向耶穌 07/04/2023 Special Service Good Friday Service Felix Siu Matthew 26:69 - 27:10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 轉向耶穌 Audio icon CAM-2023-04-07.m4a
You’re Invited 您被邀請 20/11/2022 Special Service Children's Sunday School Anniversary Service Guest Speaker Janice Tam 譚加恩姊妹 Mark 10:13-16 (NIV) Read..., Luke 14:15-24 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for You’re Invited 您被邀請 Audio icon ChildAnniversary-2022-11-20.m4a
Passing on the Baton 02/07/2023 Special Service Church Anniversary Combined Service Ian Clarke Matthew 23:1-13 (NIV) Read..., 1 Corinthians 2:1-9 (NIV) Read...
現在親眼看見祢 02/04/2021 Special Service 受難節崇拜 Trent Tsai 蔡權澤牧師 Job 42:5 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 現在親眼看見祢 Audio icon MAN-2021-04-02.m4a
The Rightful King 實至名歸的君王 21/11/2021 Special Service Children Sunday School Anniversary Combined Service Guest Speaker Shirley Moormann John 18:33-37 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Rightful King 實至名歸的君王 Audio icon ChildrenAnniversary-2021-11-21.m4a
活水福音 11/04/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 蔡長淮傳道 Matthew 26:27-28 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 活水福音 Audio icon MAN-2021-04-11.m4a
只有葉子 24/03/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Mark 1:12-14 (NIV) Read..., Mark 1:20-25 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 只有葉子 Audio icon MAN-2024-03-24.m4a
生命之糧 24/09/2023 國語 Trent Tsai John 6:22-29 (NIV) Read..., John 6:51-60 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 生命之糧 Audio icon MAN-2023-09-24.m4a
有一件禮物 25/12/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 蔡權澤牧師 Genesis 2:4-17 (NIV) Read...
從今以後 29/10/2023 國語 Raymond Kao 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 從今以後 Audio icon MAN-2023-10-29.m4a
蒙召出去 09/06/2024 國語 Guest Speaker James Choy Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 蒙召出去 Audio icon MAN-2024-06-09.m4a
你的日子是否有價值 31/01/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 梁偉剛傳道 Psalms 90:1-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 你的日子是否有價值 Audio icon MAN-2021-01-31.m4a
羅馬書的信息 27/11/2022 國語 Christy Tsai Romans 1:1-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 羅馬書的信息 Audio icon MAN-2022-11-27.m4a
約伯的苦難與信心 07/03/2021 國語 Christy Tsai Job 1:1-22 (NIV) Read..., Job 42:1-6 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 約伯的苦難與信心 Audio icon MAN-2021-03-07.m4a
基督徒相處的追求 08/01/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 馮陳念恩師母 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 (NIV) Read..., 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 基督徒相處的追求 Audio icon MAN-2023-01-08.m4a
起行! 26/06/2022 國語 Pak San Tam Numbers 10:33-36 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 起行! Audio icon MAN-2022-06-26.m4a
屬世 - 屬靈 又怎樣? 17/10/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 1 John 2:15-17 (NIV) Read..., Psalms 127:1 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 屬世 - 屬靈    又怎樣? Audio icon MAN-2021-10-17.m4a
我們是什麼樣的教會 07/08/2022 國語 Christy Tsai 1 John 2:18-27 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 我們是什麼樣的教會 Audio icon MAN-2022-08-07.m4a
當我們的人際關係出錯時, 能做什麼? 28/11/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 譚健生牧師 Psalms 27:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 當我們的人際關係出錯時, 能做什麼? Audio icon MAN-2021-11-28.m4a
恩典的醜聞—何西阿與歌篾的婚姻 06/02/2022 國語 Christy Tsai Hosea 14:1-9 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 恩典的醜聞—何西阿與歌篾的婚姻 Audio icon MAN-2022-02-06.m4a
傳福音的喜樂 16/05/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 梁偉剛傳道 Luke 10:1-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 傳福音的喜樂 Audio icon MAN-2021-05-16.m4a
恩典的回應 19/03/2023 國語 Ken Trinh Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 恩典的回應 Audio icon MAN-2023-03-19.m4a
教會領袖的榜樣 11/09/2022 國語 Christy Tsai 1 Timothy 3:1-13 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 教會領袖的榜樣 Audio icon MAN-2022-09-11.m4a
上帝的心意 26/12/2021 國語 Trent Tsai 1 Kingss 13:11-32 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 上帝的心意 Audio icon MAN-2021-12-25.m4a
無憾此生 05/05/2024 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Mark 16:12-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 無憾此生 Audio icon MAN-2024-05-05.m4a
崇拜的四個要素 13/03/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Exodus 24:1-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 崇拜的四個要素 Audio icon MAN-2022-03-13.m4a
喜樂乃復興的元素 27/06/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Philippians 4:4-7 (NIV) Read..., Proverbs 24:33-34 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 喜樂乃復興的元素 Audio icon MAN-2021-06-27.m4a
神的選民 - 以色列 23/04/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Romans 9:4-8 (NIV) Read..., Romans 9:27 (NIV) Read..., Romans 10:12-13 (NIV) Read..., Romans 11:1-5 (NIV) Read..., Romans 11:25-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 神的選民 - 以色列 Audio icon MAN-2023-04-23.m4a
宣講耶穌復活的權責 17/04/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Acts 4:1-14 (NIV) Read..., Acts 4:23-37 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 宣講耶穌復活的權責 Audio icon MAN-2022-04-17.m4a
背負 28/05/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Acts 1:1-12 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 背負 Audio icon MAN-2023-05-28.m4a
復活的力量—見證 22/05/2022 國語 Guest Speaker 蔡長淮傳道 Luke 24:46-53 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 復活的力量—見證 Audio icon MAN-2022-05-22.m4a
你的神有多大 12/09/2021 國語 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Job 1:1-16 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 你的神有多大 Audio icon MAN-2021-09-12.m4a
吃饱了没? 21/01/2024 國語 Christy Tsai Revelation 10:1-10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 吃饱了没? Audio icon MAN-2024-01-21.m4a
教會領袖的傳承 09/07/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Numbers 11:28 (NIV) Read..., Numbers 27:15-23 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 教會領袖的傳承 Audio icon MAN-2023-07-09.m4a
父親的責任 01/09/2024 國語 Christy Tsai Ephesians 6:1-4 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 父親的責任 Audio icon MAN-2024-09-01.m4a
馬大、馬利亞及拉撒路這一家 20/08/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Luke 10:38-42 (NIV) Read..., John 11:21-23 (NIV) Read..., John 11:25-27 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 馬大、馬利亞及拉撒路這一家 Audio icon MAN-2023-08-20.m4a
如果耶穌沒有復活 31/03/2024 國語 Trent Tsai 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (NIV) Read..., 1 Corinthians 15:12-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 如果耶穌沒有復活 Audio icon MAN-2024-03-31.m4a
困惑中認識上帝 20/03/2022 國語 Christy Tsai Habakkuk 3:17-19 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 困惑中認識上帝 Audio icon MAN-2022-03-20.m4a
撒種的比喻-聽道者的責任 21/07/2024 國語 Christy Tsai Matthew 13:1-9 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 13:18-23 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 撒種的比喻-聽道者的責任 Audio icon MAN-2024-07-21.m4a
基督徒相處的功課 一. 目標 12/02/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Philippians 1:1-6 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:9-11 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:15-18 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:27 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 基督徒相處的功課  一. 目標 Audio icon MAN-2023-02-12.m4a
人的忿怒與神的憐憫 23/05/2021 國語 Simon Porter Jonah 4:1-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 人的忿怒與神的憐憫 Audio icon MAN-2021-05-23.m4a
