


  1. 35th Church Anniversary Celebration
    Date: Sun., 4th Aug 2024
    Venue: Roselea Community Centre,
    645-671 Pennant Hills Road, Beecroft
    Time: 10:30 am thanksgiving service;
    12:30 pm – 4:00pm lunch, activity, fellowship and clean up.
     Car parks are limited on site, please organise carpool as much as possible. Street parking information can be found in the inset
     Lunch order LAST DAY today, 10:30 – 11:00am, 12:30 – 1:00pm , near kitchen area. Lunch will be simple meals from catering; recommended cost is $10 per person. Free offerings are welcome at the time of ordering.
     There will be multiple options for translation from English into Chinese,
    i. A text translation in Chinese will be available – slides, e-Document/ printed document
    ii. Live audio translation over Zoom, in both Mandarin and Cantonese,
    For members familiar with the Zoom app, and willing to use cellular data, a link/QR code will be provided to join after arriving at the venue
    For members not wanting to use the Zoom app, a phone no. will be provided to dial into the call from any phone.
    Please remember to bring headphones, if this is preferred to holding up the phone’s earpiece for the duration of the sermon.

  2. Women’s DLT Paint By Numbers Event Round 2: Do you enjoy painting but missed out last month? Luckily for you, it’s on again in August! Join us on Saturday 10th August 2-4pm to complete your Paint By Numbers masterpiece followed by a time in God’s Word and prayerful fellowship. Cost: $5 per person if you did not already attend last month.

    Please RSVP via https://tinyurl.com/DLTpaint2 or the QR code. Contact Janice Tam (0433777490) or Jess Kwok (0434400600) if you have further questions or require financial assistance. Hope to see you there!

  3. OneLove Women's Day Conference is happening on Saturday 24th August at the Hillsong Convention Centre and it's not too late to join! Ticket prices are currently $121 with church subsidies available. Please contact Jess Kwok (0434400600) if you would like to come or have further questions.

  4. Faith Promise for Missions We have passed the 77% mark, thank you to the brothers and sisters who have submitted their Faith Promise. As of last Thursday (25/07/24), we have received 50 pledges totalling $98,038, we are closer to our mission budget of $127,120.
    The anonymous online form (https://tinyurl.com/faithpromise2024) is still open for those who have not yet submitted. Please consider and seek God's guidance, and pray for the mission work of our missionaries.

  5. Bible Storytelling Workshop conducted by Christine Dillon.
    (Part 1: Sunday, 11/8 & Part 2: Sunday 8/9 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM)
    This engaging Bible Storytelling Workshop is open to everyone, including those serving in children ministry and those who are eager to be trained to share their faith. Come and be equipped to spread the gospel through the timeless and impactful method of Bible storytelling. RSVP by the 9th August using the QR code. For further information, please refer the attached flyer or contact Agnes Poon or Margaret Leung.


  1. 35th Church Anniversary Celebration
    i. Date: 4 Aug 2024, Sunday Venue: Roselea Community Centre, 645-671 Pennant Hills Road, Beecroft
    Time: 10:30 am thanksgiving service; 12:30 pm – 4:00pm lunch, activity, fellowship and clean up.
    Car parks are limited on site, please organise carpool as much as possible.
    Street parking information will be announced in the coming weeks.

    Lunch order for the 35th Anniversary Celebration is available today, 10:30 – 11:00am, 12:30 – 1:00pm , near kitchen area.
    We will be having simple meals from catering; recommended cost is $10 per person. Free offerings are welcome at the time of
    ii. Registration and information for “35th Anniversary Dessert Competition”, please contact Rita Lam before 28 July (Sunday).

  2. New Carpark Rules It has been raised that there has been more traffic in the church carpark on Sunday after the morning services
    and before the Cantonise service. With many children going between the Manse and the main church building currently, the church
    leadership has decided to update the rules for use of the car park to ensure safety and that parking goes to those who do need it.
    As such, the age requirements for those using the carpark have been changed to those with children under 3 and those who are over
    70. Furthermore, cars are not allowed to enter and wait inside the carpark if there are no spaces available.
    For those b/s who have special needs may apply for parking permit from church office.

  3. Faith Promise for Missions Good news! We have passed the 77% mark, thank you to the brothers and sisters who have submitted their
    Faith Promise. As of last Thursday (18/07/24), we have received 47 pledges totalling $98,038, we are close to reaching our mission
    budget of $127,120.
    The anonymous online form (https://tinyurl.com/faithpromise2024) is still open for those who have not yet submitted. Please
    consider and seek God's guidance and pray for the mission work of our missionaries.

  4. Family & Friends Concert by SOS Choir the choir is hiring our church premise for practise for years. They are very kind to extend
    the invitation to our church members for the above event on Tue 20 August, 7.30pm at our Side Hall. It will be an evening of some
    of our favourite songs, with singing along being encouraged! Follows with supper as well.

  5. Bible Storytelling Workshop conducted by Christine Dillon.
    Part 1: Sunday, 11/8 and Part 2: Sunday 8/9 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM
    Join us for an engaging Bible Storytelling Workshop conducted by Christine Dillon. This workshop is open to everyone, including
    those serving in children ministry and those who are eager to be trained to share their faith. Come and be equipped to spread the
    gospel through the timeless and impactful method of Bible storytelling.
    RSVP by the 9th August using the QR code. For further information, please refer the attached flyer or contact Agnes Poon or
    Margaret Leung.


To be Sowers

Nathan Kwok
John 20:19-22 (NIV) Read...


Raymond Kao
Luke 10:25-37 (NIV) Read...

Who are We

Chinese and Australian Baptist Church - Thornleigh was founded in July 1989. Since 1984, Rev. Joseph Fung responded to God's guidance, and, together with Rev. Burman of Eastwood Baptist Church began to reach out to the Cantonese speaking Chinese migrant community, resulting in the establishment of CABC Thornleigh. All this time the Church has upheld its foundation – the Word of God. The ministry of our church has always centred on the Word of God – our Sunday worship, our all-age Sunday school, our cell groups and fellowship groups all built upon this foundation; but from the beginning, never forgetting the Great Commission. Right from the beginning, CABC-Thornleigh already established a mission fund, supporting local and overseas mission.

Here we see a beautiful picture, the Australian and Chinese pastors and brothers and sisters then, in responding to the gospel need of the community, joined in local mission, establishing the church, spreading the Word of God, and supporting overseas missions. Just as the Lord Jesus, before his ascension, instructed the apostles and said, “…You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). We thank God for His provision throughout the years, for establishing CABC-Thornleigh this big spiritual family to proclaim Christ and witness the power of His Gospel.


 Address: 235 Pennant Hills Road, Thornleigh

Phone: (02) 9484 3920

Email: office [at] cabc-t.org.au