
Title Date Congregation Speaker Passage Video Download
耶穌復活對我們為何重要 09/04/2023 廣東話 Pak San Tam 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 耶穌復活對我們為何重要 Audio icon CAM-2023-04-09.m4a
Resurrection Sunday 09/04/2023 English Joe Moormann Matthew 28:0 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Resurrection Sunday Audio icon EAM-2023-04-09.m4a
復活與洗禮 09/04/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 蔡長淮傳道 Colossians 2:12-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 復活與洗禮 Audio icon MAN-2023-04-09.m4a
轉向耶穌 07/04/2023 Special Service Good Friday Service Felix Siu Matthew 26:69 - 27:10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 轉向耶穌 Audio icon CAM-2023-04-07.m4a
屬靈信徒不可不知的三個敵人 02/04/2023 廣東話 Felix Siu James 4:1-10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 屬靈信徒不可不知的三個敵人 Audio icon CAM-2023-04-02.m4a
A Watchful People 02/04/2023 English Guest Speaker Alison Booth Matthew 24:36-44 (NIV) Read...
上帝的話語沒有落空 02/04/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Romans 9:6-16 (NIV) Read..., Romans 9:25-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 上帝的話語沒有落空 Audio icon MAN-2023-04-02.m4a
誰是耶穌的門徒 26/03/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Mark 8:27-38 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 誰是耶穌的門徒 Audio icon CAM-2023-03-26.m4a
The Greatest Commandment 26/03/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 22:34-40 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Greatest Commandment Audio icon EAM-2023-03-26.m4a
誰是耶穌的門徒 26/03/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 黃啟泰牧師 Mark 8:27-38 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 誰是耶穌的門徒 Audio icon MAN-2023-03-26.m4a
當走的路 19/03/2023 廣東話 Raymond Kao 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 當走的路 Audio icon CAM-2023-03-19.m4a
Selah Sundays 19/03/2023 English Nathan Kwok Embedded thumbnail for Selah Sundays Audio icon EAM-2023-03-19.m4a
恩典的回應 19/03/2023 國語 Ken Trinh Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 恩典的回應 Audio icon MAN-2023-03-19.m4a
門訓啟傳承 12/03/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Acts 3:1-19 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 門訓啟傳承 Audio icon CAM-2023-03-12.m4a
Who is this? 12/03/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 21:1-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Who is this? Audio icon EAM-2023-03-12.m4a
門訓啟傳承 12/03/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 杜偉雄牧師 Acts 3:1-19 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 門訓啟傳承 Audio icon MAN-2023-03-12.m4a
敬拜的生活 05/03/2023 廣東話 Felix Siu Nehemiah 8:1-3 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 敬拜的生活 Audio icon CAM-2023-03-05.m4a
Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 05/03/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 20:1-16 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Audio icon EAM-2023-03-05.m4a
基督徒相處的功課 三. 立志 ˴ 更新 05/03/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Philippians 2:1-5 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 2:17-18 (NIV) Read..., Ezekiel 11:19-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 基督徒相處的功課    三.  立志 ˴ 更新 Audio icon MAN-2023-03-05.m4a
大使命前的預備 26/02/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 施文遠博士 Matthew 9:35 - 10:1 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 大使命前的預備 Audio icon CAM-2023-02-26.m4a
The Greatest in His Kingdom 26/02/2023 English Joe Moormann Matthew 18:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for The Greatest in His Kingdom Audio icon EAM-2023-02-26.m4a
跟從耶穌 26/02/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 李君皙牧師 Luke 9:57-62 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 跟從耶穌 Audio icon MAN-2023-02-26.m4a
Changing World Unchanging God (多變世界中不變的神) 19/02/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker Pastor Basil Bright Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Changing World Unchanging God (多變世界中不變的神) Audio icon CAM-2023-02-19.m4a
A never-changing God in an ever-changing world 19/02/2023 English Guest Speaker Pastor Bright Embedded thumbnail for A never-changing God in an ever-changing world Audio icon EAM-2023-02-19.m4a
因信被稱為義的明證 19/02/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Romans 4:1-12 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 因信被稱為義的明證 Audio icon MAN-2023-02-19.m4a
真正的挑戰 12/02/2023 廣東話 Ken Trinh Joshua 1:1-9 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 真正的挑戰 Audio icon CAM-2023-02-12.m4a
A Hungry People 12/02/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 15:29-39 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for A Hungry People Audio icon EAM-2023-02-12.m4a
基督徒相處的功課 一. 目標 12/02/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 馮約瑟牧師 Philippians 1:1-6 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:9-11 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:15-18 (NIV) Read..., Philippians 1:27 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 基督徒相處的功課  一. 目標 Audio icon MAN-2023-02-12.m4a
富 足?! 05/02/2023 廣東話 Pak San Tam Luke 12:13-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 富 足?! Audio icon CAM-2023-02-05.m4a
Jesus - Lord of the Sabbath 05/02/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 12:1-14 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Jesus - Lord of the Sabbath Audio icon EAM-2023-02-05.m4a
做好準備進入神的國度 05/02/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Matthew 25:1-13 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 做好準備進入神的國度 Audio icon MAN-2023-02-05.m4a
Your Way? Yahweh! 29/01/2023 廣東話 Guest Speaker 謝肇莨傳道 1 Samuel 25:1-11 (NIV) Read..., 1 Samuel 25:36-39 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Your Way? Yahweh! Audio icon CAM-2023-01-29.m4a
Finding Life 29/01/2023 English Guest Speaker Michael Jim Matthew 10:32-39 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Finding Life Audio icon EAM-2023-01-29.m4a
不再定罪,不再隔絕 29/01/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 邱國煌牧師 Romans 8:31-39 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 不再定罪,不再隔絕 Audio icon MAN-2023-01-29.m4a
啟示錄七教會的思前想後 22/01/2023 廣東話 Vincent Cheung Revelation 1:9-11 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 啟示錄七教會的思前想後 Audio icon CAM-2023-01-22.m4a
A "Fearless" People 22/01/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 8:23-27 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for A "Fearless" People Audio icon EAM-2023-01-22.m4a
富足 22/01/2023 國語 Pak San Tam Luke 12:13-21 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 富足 Audio icon MAN-2023-01-22.m4a
百 體 中 的 舌 頭 15/01/2023 廣東話 Felix Siu James 3:1-12 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 百 體 中 的 舌 頭 Audio icon CAM-2023-01-15.m4a
ope for the New Year 15/01/2023 English Guest Speaker Johan Linder Lamentations 3:1-26 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for ope for the New Year Audio icon EAM-2023-01-15.m4a
人的盼望在於神的信實 15/01/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Romans 3:10-20 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 人的盼望在於神的信實 Audio icon MAN-2023-01-15.m4a
饒恕與復和 08/01/2023 廣東話 Vincent Cheung Genesis 45:1-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 饒恕與復和 Audio icon CAM-2023-01-08.m4a
Treaure in Heaven 08/01/2023 English Joe Moormann Matthew 6:19-24 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Treaure in Heaven Audio icon EAM-2023-01-08.m4a
基督徒相處的追求 08/01/2023 國語 Guest Speaker 馮陳念恩師母 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 (NIV) Read..., 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 基督徒相處的追求 Audio icon MAN-2023-01-08.m4a
重新得力 01/01/2023 廣東話 Felix Siu Isaiah 40:27-31 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 重新得力 Audio icon CAM-2023-01-01.m4a
Come and Go 01/01/2023 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 4:12-22 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for Come and Go Audio icon EAM-2023-01-01.m4a
確認方向、迎向新的一年 01/01/2023 國語 Christy Tsai Romans 1:16-17 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 確認方向、迎向新的一年 Audio icon MAN-2023-01-01.m4a
來!來!來! 25/12/2022 廣東話 Pak San Tam Luke 2:1-15 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 來!來!來! Audio icon CAM-2022-12-25.m4a
God With Us 25/12/2022 English Nathan Kwok Matthew 1:18-25 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for God With Us Audio icon EAM-2022-12-25.m4a
最好的禮物 25/12/2022 國語 Trent Tsai Luke 1:1-4 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 最好的禮物   Audio icon MAN-2022-12-25.m4a
世界的光 18/12/2022 廣東話 Vincent Cheung John 8:12 (NIV) Read..., John 10:22-31 (NIV) Read... Embedded thumbnail for 世界的光 Audio icon CAM-2022-12-18.m4a
