大使命前的預備 |
26/02/2023 |
廣東話 |
Guest Speaker 施文遠博士 |
Matthew 9:35 - 10:1 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-02-26.m4a |
路上的光 |
26/06/2022 |
廣東話 |
Ken Trinh |
Psalms 119:105-112 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-06-26.m4a |
門徒在「來」與「去」之間徘徊 |
23/06/2024 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 4:19 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2024-06-23.m4a |
更美的、在天上的家鄉 |
19/12/2021 |
廣東話 |
Raymond Kao |
Hebrews 11:13-16 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-12-19.m4a |
麥基洗德 |
06/06/2021 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Hebrews 5:5 - 10:0 (NIV) Read..., Hebrews 7:1-17 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-06-06.m4a |
屬靈信徒不可不知的三個敵人 |
02/04/2023 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
James 4:1-10 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-04-02.m4a |
有名聲的死教會(撒狄) |
07/08/2022 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Revelation 3:1-6 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-08-07.m4a |
慷慨奉獻的愛 |
28/07/2024 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (NIV) Read... |
CAN-2024-07-28.m4a |
神掌管萬事 |
12/11/2023 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Daniel 1:11-21 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-11-12.m4a |
仰望耶和華 |
18/07/2021 |
廣東話 |
Guest Speaker 鄭龍弟兄 |
Psalms 131:1-3 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-07-18.m4a |
福音的邏輯 |
07/05/2023 |
廣東話 |
Guest Speaker Paul Jessop |
Colossians 1:15-23 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-05-07.m4a |
用豐盛的生命見證主 |
11/09/2022 |
廣東話 |
David Ko |
John 4:10-18 (NIV) Read..., John 4:39 (NIV) Read..., John 10:10 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-09-11.m4a |
世代終結的預兆 |
03/03/2024 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Luke 21:5-36 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2024-03-03.m4a |
未走過的路 |
23/10/2022 |
廣東話 |
Raymond Kao |
Joshua 3:1-17 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-10-23.m4a |
遵命行 |
14/04/2024 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
John 20:19-23 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2024-04-14.m4a |
習慣:無辜,信靠 |
04/02/2024 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Daniel 6:16-23 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2024-02-04.m4a |
教會 : 神的會幕在人間 |
03/10/2021 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Hebrews 9:1-12 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-10-03.m4a |
海中的獸和地上的獸 |
30/07/2023 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Revelation 13:1-18 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-07-30.m4a |
唯獨耶穌 |
28/03/2021 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Hebrews 2:6 - 3:6 (NIV) Read... |
饒恕與復和 |
08/01/2023 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Genesis 45:1-15 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-01-08.m4a |
重新演繹 |
08/10/2023 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Colossians 3:18 - 4:1 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-10-08.m4a |
恩典的回應 |
17/01/2021 |
廣東話 |
Guest Speaker 鄭龍弟兄 |
Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-01-17.m4a |
生命選擇題 |
15/09/2024 |
廣東話 |
Ken Trinh |
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 (NIV) Read..., Galatians 5:16-26 (NIV) Read... |
我們都被圈在內 |
29/08/2021 |
廣東話 |
David Ko |
Romans 2:1-11 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-08-29.m4a |
七號之前 |
18/06/2023 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Revelation 10:1-11 (NIV) Read..., Revelation 11:1-14 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-06-18.m4a |
饒恕 |
04/12/2022 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Matthew 6:12 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 18:21-35 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 18:15-17 (NIV) Read..., Matthew 5:22-24 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-12-04.m4a |
教會:受教的群體 |
07/11/2021 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Hebrews 12:1-14 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-11-07.m4a |
信徒警醒 |
03/09/2023 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Colossians 2:6-23 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-09-03.m4a |
放下身段 學主謙卑 |
30/06/2024 |
廣東話 |
Herbert Chan |
Luke 14:25-35 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2024-06-30.m4a |
耶穌復活對我們為何重要 |
09/04/2023 |
廣東話 |
Pak San Tam |
1 Corinthians 15:12-20 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-04-09.m4a |
應如何敬拜神? |
06/02/2022 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Exodus 20:1-17 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-02-06.m4a |
以詩歌進入敬拜 |
18/09/2022 |
廣東話 |
Pak San Tam |
Colossians 3:16-17 (NIV) Read..., Ephesians 5:19-20 (NIV) Read..., Psalms 56:1-13 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-09-18.m4a |
改變歷史的一個晚餐 |
20/03/2022 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Luke 22:7-34 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-03-20.m4a |
與悔改的心相稱 |
10/03/2024 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Matthew 3:4-12 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2024-03-10.m4a |
耶和華的眷顧 |
31/12/2023 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Psalms 139:1-18 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-12-31.m4a |
走進有山有谷之地 |
28/02/2021 |
廣東話 |
Pak San Tam |
Deuteronomy 11:11-21 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-02-28.m4a |
唯獨耶穌 |
04/04/2021 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Hebrews 2:6 - 3:6 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-04-04.m4a |
啟示錄七教會的思前想後 |
22/01/2023 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Revelation 1:9-11 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-01-22.m4a |
你是神的好管家嗎? |
14/11/2021 |
廣東話 |
Guest Speaker 梁偉剛傳道 |
Matthew 25:14-30 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-11-14.m4a |
鐮刀的收割 |
10/09/2023 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Revelation 14:14-20 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-09-10.m4a |
一份改變關係的禮物 |
26/12/2021 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Ephesians 2:13-18 (NIV) Read... |
SYD-2021-12-26.m4a |
施恩的主 |
13/06/2021 |
廣東話 |
Herbert Chan |
John 14:15-31 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2021-06-13.m4a |
要持守冠冕的教會(非拉鐵非) |
14/08/2022 |
廣東話 |
Vincent Cheung |
Revelation 3:7-13 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2022-08-14.m4a |
深奧隱秘的事 - 大波士 |
26/11/2023 |
廣東話 |
Felix Siu |
Daniel 2:17-23 (NIV) Read..., Daniel 2:47-49 (NIV) Read... |
CAM-2023-11-26.m4a |
Sin as Self-Discovery |
20/03/2022 |
English |
Ben Lau |
Galatians 4:1-7 (NIV) Read..., Galatians 5:16-21 (NIV) Read..., Luke 9:23-27 (NIV) Read... |
EAM-2022-03-20.m4a |
Jesus, the Healer |
10/03/2024 |
English |
Nathan Kwok |
John 11:1-44 (NIV) Read... |
EAM-2024-03-10.m4a |
Build your own god |
07/01/2024 |
English |
Joe Moormann |
Isaiah 44:7-23 (NIV) Read... |
EAM-2024-01-07.m4a |
The Divine Wager: Job’s Unknowing Tests Begins |
29/08/2021 |
English |
Nathan Chau |
Job 1:1 - 2:20 (NIV) Read... |
EAM-2021-08-29.m4a |
Selah Sundays |
25/06/2023 |
English |
Nathan Kwok |
EAM-2023-06-25.m4a |
The Gospel on Trial: Paul before Felix |
28/02/2021 |
English |
Ian Clarke |
Acts 24:0 (NIV) Read... |
EAM-2021-02-28.m4a |